
  • DineRate
  • HeartGuard
  • HomeValueQuest


DineRate is a machine learning application that predicts the ratings of restaurants in Bangalore. By leveraging a dataset obtained from Zomato, the project trains a predictive model that takes into account factors such as location, cuisine, restaurant type, average cost, and user reviews. The goal is to provide users with accurate rating predictions, helping them make informed decisions when selecting a restaurant. The project is deployed and accessible through a user-friendly interface on the deployment site, allowing users to input restaurant details and receive predicted ratings remotely.


The HeartGuard project aims to develop a machine learning model for accurately predicting heart failure in patients. By analyzing a dataset of 299 patients' medical records, including 13 clinical features, the project explores various ML algorithms and techniques. The best-performing model is selected based on evaluation metrics like recall and F-score. The project's repository contains a Jupyter Notebook (`Heart_Failure.ipynb`) that provides code, documentation, and step-by-step instructions. The project strives to provide healthcare professionals with a reliable tool to improve patient outcomes and intervention decisions.


This project is a Kaggle competition focused on predicting the sales prices of residential homes in Ames, Iowa. The dataset consists of 79 variables describing various aspects of the houses. The goal is to develop regression models using advanced techniques and creative feature engineering to accurately estimate the sale prices. The competition evaluates submissions based on the Root-Mean-Squared-Error (RMSE) metric. The provided Jupyter Notebook and dataset enable participants to analyze and reproduce the results. This project is an opportunity to enhance regression skills and gain experience in real-world predictive modeling.

About Me

Hello, I'm Emuejevoke Eshemitan, a passionate data professional specializing in Machine Learning Engineering and Data Science. My portfolio showcases projects reflecting my dedication to leveraging data for insightful and innovative solutions.
As a Machine Learning Engineer, I excel in designing cutting-edge models using TensorFlow and scikit-learn, building scalable data pipelines, and deploying them in production environments.
As a Data Scientist, I analyze valuable patterns, develop predictive models, and communicate insights through impactful visualizations.
Let's collaborate on a data-driven journey! Explore my portfolio for more.


+234 902 436 2357


Lagos, Nigeria