
  • InfoBot (SonityAI Chatbot)
  • Sentistranger (Sentiment Analysis)

InfoBot (SonityAI Chatbot)

InfoBot is an automated chatbot project that utilizes text classification and LSTM techniques to provide instant responses to common questions about the project owner. It aims to assist individuals who cannot directly reach the owner by offering convenient access to basic information. With features like automated responses and a deployed Streamlit app, InfoBot demonstrates the power of chatbots in streamlining communication. Future enhancements include expanding the dataset and implementing more advanced natural language processing.

Sentistranger (Sentiment Analysis)

The project performs sentiment analysis on Twitter data related to the Netflix series "Stranger Things." It uses webscraping to collects 50,000 recent tweets from the release of Season 4's first half to the complete series release. Using the Transformers library and Twitter-RoBERTa model, the sentiment of these tweets is analyzed. The Jupyter Notebook guides users through the process and includes visualizations for insights. The repository contains data, images, and a README file with setup instructions.

About Me

Hello, I'm Emuejevoke Eshemitan, a passionate data professional specializing in Machine Learning Engineering and Data Science. My portfolio showcases projects reflecting my dedication to leveraging data for insightful and innovative solutions.
As a Machine Learning Engineer, I excel in designing cutting-edge models using TensorFlow and scikit-learn, building scalable data pipelines, and deploying them in production environments.
As a Data Scientist, I analyze valuable patterns, develop predictive models, and communicate insights through impactful visualizations.
Let's collaborate on a data-driven journey! Explore my portfolio for more.


+234 902 436 2357


Lagos, Nigeria